Products meeting the search criteria
Mini Starry Night
MINI STARRY NIGHTVINCENT VAN GOGHProduct Material: GlassDimensions: LITTLE STARRY NIGHT 45mm (H) X 60mm (W) X 20mm (D)Release Date: October 2021Packaging: Beautiful, hand constructed, wooden..
Mini Christ Carrying The Cross
MINI CHRIST CARRYING THE CROSSEL GRECOProduct Material: GlassDimensions: LITTLE CHRIST CARRYIONG THE CROSS 60mm (H) X 45mm (W) X 20mm (D)Release Date: October 2021Packaging: Beautiful, hand ..
NEW! Mini Mona Lisa
MINI MONA LISALeonardo da VinciProduct Material: GlassDimensions: MINI MONA LISA 60mm (H) X 45mm (W) X 20mm (D)Release Date: October 2023Packaging: Beautiful, hand constructed, woo..